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American policies, correspondingly, transformed from abating the hostility between Indonesia and the West to weakening the political base of Sukarno.

American painter Winslow Homer died on July 31st at the age of 74. 1910年7月31日,美国画家温斯洛·霍默去世,享年74岁。
American parents are working overtime to keep their home safe, to set good examples, only to have popular culture make their hard work even harder. 美国父母正在加倍努力工作以确保家庭的安全并为子女树立良好的榜样,即使仅仅是为了大众文化,也使他们本来就很辛苦的努力变得更加辛苦。
American parents can spank their children at home, but a teacher cannot hit a child in a public school. 美国的父母在家可以打孩子的屁股,但在公立学校,老师不能打孩子,这在德国也一样。
American parents struggle in a competitive world where sheer cunning and falsehood are often rewarded and respected, but they feed their children with nursery tales (in which the morally good is pitted against the bad, and in the end the good inevitably i 译文:美国家长在一个尔虞我诈备受推崇的竞争世界中努力打拼,却用童话故事敷衍/搪塞孩子们,故事/从中讲述正义与邪恶作斗争,最终总是善有善报、恶有恶报/正义取得胜利而邪恶受到惩罚。
American physicist who developed and launched the first successful liquid-fueled rocket (1926) and invented numerous rocketry devices. 高德,罗伯特·哈钦斯:(1882-1945)美国物理学家,他研究并成功发射了第一颗液体燃料火箭(1926年),发明了许多火箭器械。
American policies, correspondingly, transformed from abating the hostility between Indonesia and the West to weakening the political base of Sukarno. 美国的政策也相应由促成印尼与西方国家关系的缓和转向削弱苏加诺政权政治统治的基础。
American policy towards Indonesia always lacks a stable foundation. 摘要美国对印尼政策历来缺乏一个稳定的基础。
American presidents tend to be judged less by the good deeds they set in motion than by how well they respond to crises. 美国人对总统的评判往往不是看他们能否成功治理国际,而是看他们能否泰然应对危机.
American prisoners are permitted to receive Red Cross food parcels. 允许美国俘虏领取红十字会的食品包裹。
American productivity growth has been well above the OECD average for more than a decade and should remain strong. 近十年来,美国的生产力发展水平一直高于经合组织的平均水平,并且还将保持这一强劲势头。
American regulators had broadly accepted Basel 2 back in 2004, when they signed up to its framework. 美国银行管理者早在2004年就已经接受并支持巴塞尔协议,当时他们参加了签约构建协议框架。

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