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For 2,000 years, humans—usually boys from a church congregation—squeezed bellows by hand or feet to supply the air, until electric motors and blowers took over.

For 16 years, the Hawk Prosperous clothing trademark manufacture limited for the domestic and foreign brand clothing dealer and the producer, provides the omni-directional “one-stop” work style specialized clothing supplementary material, the necessary sy 16年来,鹰昌服饰商标制作有限公司为国内外数百家品牌服装生产商提供全方位一站式专业服饰辅料配套服务。
For 18 years Jerusha had been living in an orphanage. She was simply unable to imagine what homewould be like. 十八年来,洁茹一直生活在孤儿院里,「家」到底是什麽样子,她根本无从想像!
For 18 years he had a column in Newsweek. 弗里德曼为《新闻周刊》撰写了18年的专栏。
For 191 nations to agree on a common path forward, many debates will be needed over the coming year, both within countries and among them. 要使191个国家就共同的前进道路达成协议,还需要在未来的一年进行许多讨论,在一国之内和各国之间都要开展辩论。
For 2 or 3 months, dyspnea and dizziness on work. 3个月来,一做工就感觉呼吸困难和眩晕。
For 2,000 years, humans—usually boys from a church congregation—squeezed bellows by hand or feet to supply the air, until electric motors and blowers took over. 长达2000年的时间,都是人类(通常是教堂信徒中的男孩)凭手脚鼓动风箱供应空气,直到马达和鼓风机问世后,情况才改观。
For 2,048- bit numbers, factoring is considered impractical, as far as is publicly known. 假设这个数有2048位元,以目前檯面上所知的方法,要对它做因数分解差不多是不可能的事情。
For 20 years many experts in Peking tried to translate the disc. 20年来北京许多专家尝试翻译圆盘。
For 2000, every single forecasting group again underestimated the actual growth rate. But the problem is not simply pessimism. Only two estimates for 2001 were too low. 2000年的增长率又被所有的预测团体低估了。这不只是什么悲观不悲观的问题。到了2001年,只有两份预测偏低。
For 2004-2005 our goal will be to derive three new connectivity information maps, which will involve analysis, and visualization components, as well as creating publically available software and databases that will support the community in a wide variety 这个项目04到05年的目标是得到三个新的连接信息的地图,包括了分析和可视化部分.同时要创建公众可用的软件和数据库,广泛地为其他的进行实际操作分析和研究工作的组织提供支持.
For 2005 the OECD increased its GDP forecast for Portugal from the 0.7% predicted in May to 0.8%. 经合组织起初预计葡萄牙2005年国内生产总值将增长0.7%,5月又调整到0.8%。

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