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So Balaam arose in the morning, and saddled his donkey and went with the leaders of Moab.

So Airbus may figure that by building plants locally it can forestall development of a Chinese competitor. “Airbus is being farsighted. 位于香港代表飞机制造商的亚洲航空航天论坛主席马丁·克雷格斯说,“空客是有远见的。
So Amnon lay down, and made himself sick: and when the king was come to see him, Amnon said unto the king, I pray thee, let Tamar my sister come, and make me a couple of cakes in my sight, that I may eat at her hand. 撒下13:6于是暗嫩躺卧装病.王来看他、他对王说、求父叫我妹子他玛来、在我眼前为我作两个饼、我好从他手里接过来吃。
So Annas sent Him bound to Caiaphas the high priest. 约18:24亚那就把耶稣解到大祭司该亚法那里、仍是捆著解去的。
So Asimov's record was mixed. 因此阿西莫夫的成绩错对参半。
So Baasha killed him in the third year of Asa king of Judah and reigned in his place. 王上15:28在犹大王亚撒第三年巴沙杀了他、篡了他的位。
So Balaam arose in the morning, and saddled his donkey and went with the leaders of Moab. 民22:21巴兰早晨起来、备上驴、和摩押的使臣一同去了。
So Balak took Balaam to the top of Peor which overlooks the wasteland. 民23:28巴勒就领巴兰到那下望旷野的毗珥山顶上。
So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with ten thousand men after him. 于是巴拉下了他泊山,跟随他的有一万人。
So Barak went down from mount Tabor, and ten thousand men after him. 于是巴拉和跟随他的一万人从他泊山下来。
So Baruch the son of Neriah took the roll in his hand, and came unto them. 尼利亚的儿子巴录就手拿书卷来到他们那里。
So Bathsheba went in to the king in the bedroom. Now the king was very old, and Abishag the Shunammite was ministering to the king. 王上1:15拔示巴进入内室见王、王甚老迈、书念的童女亚比煞正伺候王。

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