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Often, the time is shown in a small font in digital format (eg. 08:30) which can be difficult to read correctly.

Often, the courts remain a pliable tool to reinforce that power. 相反,法院经常是让人随便捏来捏去的加强政府权力的工具。
Often, the most barbaric atrocities occur when both combatants proclaim themselves freedom fighters. 通常,最野蛮的暴行就发生在当交战双方都宣称自己是自由战士时.
Often, the most striking and innovative solutions come from realizing that your concept of the problem was wrong. 通常,最适切和最有创意的解题法来自发觉自己对问题原先的观念是错误的.
Often, the problem itself is reconstructed and becomes a new one. 往往,问题它自己被重构了而转变为一个新的问题。
Often, the soda fountain was inside a drug store, and people of all ages would come and meet there. 通常汽水柜台是设置在药房里头,而许多不同年龄的人会来店里买饮料。
Often, the time is shown in a small font in digital format (eg. 08:30) which can be difficult to read correctly. 通常,时间的显示是很小的数字显示(如:08:30)看起来很费劲。
Often, there is an acute awareness of the pain and hardship that accompanies life and many people with this aspect are well suited to working hard for the benefit of those that have suffered genuine hurt. 时常,对痛苦及苦难有清晰的自觉,这是伴随着生活而来的,而且许多有这相位的人为了那些受尽真实之痛的人的利益,而能良好适应艰辛工作。
Often, these forces will accumulate and create a negative stress reaction. 通常情况下,各种压力累积起来会变成一种负面的压力反应。
Often, these partnerships are based on special projects or exchanges. 通常,伙伴关系基于和特殊项目或交流。
Often, this is used to make appliances appear to talkor wall outlets appear to be sending radio frequency signals, or strong radio interference will be found to emanate from a point in mid air. 这常常使设备好像是在“谈话”,或墙缝处好像在“传送无线电频率信号”,或强大的无线电干扰会被发现仿佛是来自于空中任何一处。
Often, this link to reality does not extend to the underlying structure. 通常,这种与真实性的联系并不会延展到基本结构。

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