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It was too rainy to play outside, so she amused herself with a book.

It was too easy to entertain the friendlier images: Damon blasting home runs, running down fly balls and diving into the whirlpool sans uniform. 欣赏这些画面才够屌:大门穿洋基制服,在芬威球场烟火秀,全垒打、安打满天飞。
It was too good a chance to be missed. 这是个好机会,不能错过。
It was too hot and humid for outdoor activities, so we took refuge in the air-conditioned movie theater. 天气太过闷热,不适合做户外活动,所以我们就躲到有空调的电影院去了。
It was too hot outside. 昨天室外太热了。
It was too late to save that piglet, but Her Ladyship bought it anyway, and gave it a decent burial on the shore. 奶妈来晚了,没能救下那只小猪。不过夫人还是把它买了下来,然后庄重地埋在了岸边。
It was too rainy to play outside, so she amused herself with a book. 雨大,不适合在外面玩,所以她看书消遣。
It was too weak to lift its limp paws. 它虚弱得抬不起它柔软的爪子。
It was totally over the top, like parties from a bygone age. 一切都极尽夸张之能事,好像是来自某个旧时代的派对。
It was touch-and-go whether we would get to the airport in time. 我们是否能按时到机场还很难说.
It was tough to keep up a strong exterior with a lot of negativity and questions swirling what felt like all the time. 在众多负面及充满质疑的旋涡中保持强劲的向心力是很困难的。
It was tragic that the maintainer fell into an abyss when a rope broke. 绳索断了,于是登山者坠入深谷,这真是悲惨。

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