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Broke after its Haitian defeat, France sold a large region to the US for $15 million.

Broccoli has anti-cancer properties but an Institute of Food Research study has found some people's genetic make-up may minimize the protection they get. 花椰菜有抗癌成分,但是食品研究中心的研究发现,有些人的基因构造可能会减少摄取的保护效果。
Broccoli is a cancer-preventing superfood, one you should eat frequently. 绿花椰菜是一种预防癌症的超级食物,你应该经常食用。
Brocklehurst had stood, and I enjoyed my conqueror's solitude. 我在布罗克赫斯特先生站站过的地毯上站了一会,沉缅于征服者的孤独。
Brocklehurst pronounced by some lips; at which Miss Miller shook her head disapprovingly; but she made no great effort to cheek the general wrath; doubtless she shared in it. 我听见有人提到了布罗克赫斯特先生的名字,米勒小姐一听便不以为然地摇了摇头,但她无意去遏制这种普遍的愤怒,无疑她也有同感。
Brody discovered that the volunteers who had sexual intercourse were the least stressed and had blood pressure levels that returned to normal more quickly than people who engaged in other types of sex. 布罗迪发现,与其它性爱方式相比,有性交经历的志愿者压力最小,血压能更快恢复正常。
Broke after its Haitian defeat, France sold a large region to the US for $15 million. 法国在海地遭遇失败后,财力上捉襟见肘,将一大块地盘以一千五百万美元的代价卖给美国。
Broken Ethereal items now sell for 1 gold. 现在断裂轻飘的项目为1出售金子.
Broken bricks were rammed down in the trench to make a base for the concrete. 沟内先倒了碎石,并加以夯实作为混凝土的基础。
Broken coat——term used to describe Terrier coats that are a combination of harsh, wiry outer hair and dense, softer undercoat. 这个术语主要用来形容梗犬的毛质,是一种由粗糙、金属丝质感的外层毛和浓密的底层毛的结合。
Broken glass lay scatteredon the ground. 破碎的玻璃散乱地搁置在地上。
Broken glassware must be collected in the carton box, not any garbage can. 玻璃废弃物应收集于指定的纸箱内。

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