Tuesday's market tumble sent the Shanghai Composite Index down 8.8 percent, to 2,771 — just about where it was on February 1, before a big rally sent shares to a record 3,040 on Monday. |
中文意思: 星期二股市跳水使上海综合指数暴跌至2771点,跌幅达8.8%――差不多达到星期一之前的二月一日时指数水平,星期一综合指数强劲曾上扬至3040点。 |
Tuesday is the Lantern Festival, the final day of the traditional 15-day holiday that marks the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year.
周二为元宵节,即象征新年开始的十五天中国农历新年假期的最后一天。 |
Tuesday was a nightmareishly long day with 5 lessons and nutty students.
星期二象一场噩梦一样长,五节课,还有调皮的学生。 |
Tuesday's With Maori has been praised for its accessible style.
星期二的《和毛利人在一起》这本书因其易于理解的风格受到了赞扬。 |
Tuesday's electio include gubernatorial races in 36 states, along with ballot questio on i ues ranging from abortion to homosexual marriage to stem cell research.
星期二的选举包括36个州的州长选举以及就堕胎、同性婚姻以及干细胞研究等问题进行表决。 |
Tuesday's elections include gubernatorial races in 36 states, along with ballot questions on issues ranging from abortion to homosexual marriage to stem cell research.
星期二的选举包括36个州的州长选举以及就堕胎、同性婚姻以及干细胞研究等问题进行表决。 |
Tuesday's market tumble sent the Shanghai Composite Index down 8.8 percent, to 2,771 — just about where it was on February 1, before a big rally sent shares to a record 3,040 on Monday.
星期二股市跳水使上海综合指数暴跌至2771点,跌幅达8.8%――差不多达到星期一之前的二月一日时指数水平,星期一综合指数强劲曾上扬至3040点。 |
Tuesday, government officials had put the death toll at more than 57-thousand, with most of those killed in Pakistani-Kashmir.
政府官员星期二公布的死亡人数是5万7千多人,其中多数来自巴控克什米尔。 |
Tuesday, the United States urged the monarch to return to democracy by initiating a dialogue with Nepal's political parties.
美国星期二呼吁尼泊尔王室与尼泊尔政治派别开启对话,回到民主道路上来。 |
Tuesdays and Saturdays I only workout in the afternoon, I usually do technique work and RDL's.
周二和周六我只在下午训练,我通常做技术工作和RDL(难道是关系数据库语言?) |
Tuesdays with Morrie has been praised for its accessible style.
《相约星期二》因其平易的风格获得了广泛的好评。 |
Tufei sourdough breads are cultivated in traditional French style with two major types, sourdough rye and pain au levain.
全部土匪天然酵母面包均以法式方法滋养,分为裸麦及小麦两大类。 |