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There will be both a random map generator and a map editor.

There will be an exhibition of the development of automobile industry in our country next week. 下星期将举办一个关于我国汽车工业发展的展览。
There will be an outage tomorrow (February 21st) starting around 17:00 UTC for network upgrades. If all goes well, we will only be offline for about an hour. 为进行网络升级,明天(2月21日)17:00左右将有一次断线.如果一切顺利的话我们只需要断线约一小时.
There will be approximately 25 teams participating the morning session. Each team is made up of 3 amateurs and 1 professional. 上午场比赛大约有25个队伍参加,每队由3个业余选手和1个职业选手组成。
There will be bank charges in connection with the credit. 开立信用证还要缴纳银行手续费。
There will be borderline things in which we have differences among ourselves, but on the central issues there must be no compromise. 在一些边缘地带的问题上我们会有异议﹐可是在核心的事上﹐必不可以妥协。
There will be both a random map generator and a map editor. 将会有随机地图生成器,以及地图编辑器。
There will be few minutes to ask questiones after the lecture! 演讲后,将会有几分钟时间用于提问。
There will be fierce resistance to these proposals. 这些提议将会遭到激烈的抵制。
There will be five of us for dinner, besides John. 除约翰外, 还有我们五个人要一起吃饭.
There will be four one-hour quizzes. They will each take place during a recitation section. 将会有四次各一小时的随堂考,在复习课中举行。
There will be four parades in a row on Sunday. 在星期日的时候,会有连续四场游行。

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