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This force turns the crankshaft.

This football match is an unequal contest. 这场足球赛是一场实力悬殊的比赛。
This footballer is a sportsman who likes to be in the spotlight. 这个足球运动员是个爱出风头的运动员。
This for is famous after Yi shoot the story of day. 这就是有名的后羿射日的故事。
This for me is the peak for this team, my generation, so there really can be no excuses for us this time — no bad decision, no missed penalty, no poor performance. 对我来说这支球队是巅峰,我这一代人,所以这次我们没有借口——不会有糟糕的决定,不能再错失点球,不能再表现不佳。
This force then flows into the pituitary, from whence, being now in purified form, it flows downward, cleansing and strengthening body and mind. 这种力量接着流入脑垂体,在这里,它处于净化形式,它向下流,净化和强化身体和意识。
This force turns the crankshaft. 这种力量使曲轴转动。
This force, this energy is set running in the wide kingdom that is within us by some Spirit touch. 这力量,这活力被某种精神触觉所导引,在我们宽广的身体王国中奔跑。
This forces the defender to put a premium on mobile unit who can rush out to intercept enemy stacks before they reach the cities. 所以防御者必须非常重视机动单位——这些单位可以在敌人接近之前突破敌阵。
This forces you to keep the tests and classes synchronized during development. 这样可以保证在开发过程中测试和代码保持同步。
This forcing maintains a global temperature change of 5 degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit), implying a climate sensitivity of 0.75 ± 0.25 degrees C per watt per square meter. 这样的气候营力使得全球温度改变5℃,这意味每一瓦特作用在每平方公尺的气候敏感度为0.75±0.25℃。
This forerunner of the musket is capable of firing deadly volleys that can pierce armour. 这些火枪的先驱者可以射出穿透盔甲的致命齐射。

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