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Having extra color may help male birds woo mates, but it also attracts predators.

Having examined the documents listed in the CFB package and the various Bid Bulletins, we the undersigned offer to execute the WORKS in conformity with the said document for a sum of (insert here the bid price in letters and figures). 我们已审查了招标文件包中所列的文件及各项招标公告,并签署出具本报价,愿意按照上述文件的要求执行该项工作,我们的报价为(此处用大写字和数字填入投标价格)。
Having existed for ten years, Changzhou Jiangnan Rapier Equipment Co.,Ltd. is specializing in textile equipments and mainly produces various flexible rapier looms and nonmetallic carrier tapes. 常州市江南剑杆器材有限公司是一家专用生产纺织器材企业,至今已有10载的历史,其主要生产各类挠性剑杆织机和非金属挠性剑杆带。
Having experienced many vicissitudes of life for a century, the bigleaf banyan with a stalk 6 meters in girth displays its outside roots (0.5 meters height and 4 meters length) which look like flood dragons with scales on skin sporting under the tree. 位于纪念堂南门至主体建筑之间的西侧园道边,历尽沧桑的大叶榕胸茎周长6米,地根外露形成一景(外露的根茎高0.5米,根长4米),有脊有鳞,宛如蛟龙游戏于树下。
Having experienced the bitterness of the Communist-Nationalist Civil War and the Cultural Revolution, older Chinese are determined to see their children (almost always their only child) happy and want to live vicariously through them, and therefore shower 经历过内战和文化革命的苦,年老一代的中国人下定决心要让他们的孩子(几乎是唯一的孩子,都赖计划生育)快乐并且让他们过自己以前没有的生活,因此他们大量的给孩子们钞票。
Having experienced the warmth of the human spirit firsthand, they certainly agree with the words of novelist Paulo Coelho: “When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it. 由于她们亲身体验到人类精神的温暖,她们当然会赞同小说家保罗·科尔贺的一番话:“当你想做成一件事,整个世界都会帮你去实现。”
Having extra color may help male birds woo mates, but it also attracts predators. 多一点色彩可能有助于公鸟向异性求爱,但同时也招来捕食者的注意。
Having extreme muscular or arterial tension. 张力充进的有极端的肌肉或动腺紧张
Having eyes with greatly distended pupils. 眼珠暴突的具有带有膨大的瞳孔的眼睛的
Having fabric knowledge is an advantage. 有面料知识是优势。
Having failed my French exams, I decided to concentrate on science subjects. 我因法语考试不及格而决心专攻理科.
Having failed to claim a place in the side, he moved on to Birmingham on loan last season and was their top scorer. 由于在切尔西得不到主力位置,上赛季他被俱乐部租借给了伯明翰城队,并成为了该队的首席射手。

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