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The examination shall be continuous over 100% of the plate and no recordable indications shall be permitted.

The examination items in the special physical checkups specified in Paragraph 16.2 shall be laid out by the Competent Authority in collaboration with central government health authorities. 第二项所定特别健康检查,其检查项目由主管机关会同中央卫生主管机关定之。
The examination of all the witness lasted two hours. 对全部证人的讯问持续了两个小时。
The examination of the urine specimens by gel chromatography and electrophoresis showed that the active ingredient excreted in the urine was partly unchanged and partly depolymerized to molecules of shorter chain lengths. 用凝胶电泳色谱法检测尿液显示,尿液中的活性药物成分部分为原形,部分解聚成更短的分子链。
The examination results indicated that the export water discharged by this craft has been reached a national level of discharging standard, also has realized 80% water volume reused further. 检测结果表明,该工艺出水指标达国家一级排放标准,且实现了80%水量回用。
The examination shall be continuous oer 100% of the plate and no recordable indications shall be permitted. 测试应对整个盘进行,不允许有任何记录指示。
The examination shall be continuous over 100% of the plate and no recordable indications shall be permitted. 测试应对整个盘进行,不允许有任何记录指示。
The examination system for civil servants is based on a principle of transparency, fairness, competition and merit, and has been successful in providing a good opportunity for university graduates regardless of their household registration and family back 人事部的张百林说,公务员考试秉承的原则是“公开、平等、竞争、择优,不管大学生户籍在哪里,以及家庭背景如何,公务员考试都为他们提供了机会”。
The examination time has past for 2 days,in these time,I have a little rest and share a series TV for i know after this period there are will be a tensive atmosphere formed by myself in which i will study and live. 考试已经过去两天了,在这个时间里,我休息了一下看了部电视剧,因为我知道这个时期过后我将在自己营造的紧张气氛里学习和生活。
The examination was a cinch. 那可是对我来说是很有把握的事。
The examination was a pushover; I knew all the answers. 那次考试很容易,题目的答案我全都知道。
The examination was so rigid that nearly all aspirants were ruled out. 考试是如此严格以致于近乎所有的有志者都被排除了。

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