Will the wild ox consent to serve you, Or will he spend the night at your manger?
伯39:9野牛岂肯服事你.岂肯住在你的槽旁。 |
Will the wild ox consent to serve you? Will he stay by your manger at night?
9野牛岂肯服事你.岂肯住在你的槽旁。 |
Will they not teach you and tell you, And bring forth words from their minds?
伯8:10他们岂不指教你、告诉你、从心里发出言语来呢。 |
Will you be taking a wee dram? At half past six in the morning? Mrs Odd exclaimed. What a nerve!
你要不要来点威士忌?早上六点半钟喝酒?奥德夫人叫道,神经病! |
Will you give me leave to defer your raptures till I write again? -- At present I have not room to do them justice.
“可否请你通融一下,让我把你的喜欢,延迟到下一次写信时再告诉她?这一次我可写不下这么多啦。” |
Will you love me for the rest of my life?
“你会在我的余生中一直爱我吗?” |
Will you mend your ways?
你愿意改过吗? |
Will you really annul My judgment? Will you condemn Me that you may be justified?
伯40:8你岂可废弃我所拟定的.岂可定我有罪、好显自己为义麽。 |
Will you show partiality for Him? Will you contend for God?
伯13:8你们要为神徇情麽、要为他争论麽。 |
Will you speak what is unjust for God, And speak what is deceitful for Him?
伯13:7你们要为神说不义的话麽、为他说诡诈的言语麽。 |
Will you spend this at a beauty salon instead of food?the woman asked.
那你会把钱花到那些美容美发的沙龙而不去买食物吗?那个女人再问到. |