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Instead, it simulates flavor by exciting the brain of the person that is eating it.

Instead, it pushed Israel into launching a pre-emptive strike. 然而事与愿违,这反倒促使了以色列先发制人发动空袭。
Instead, it reflects the various conceptions and conceptive structures that are constructed in the brain when humans are trying to interpret the outside world. 人类认知积极参与人认识客观世界的过程,所以语言不是直接反映客观世界,而是反映人的头脑在认识客观世界的过程中形成的各种概念或概念结构。
Instead, it relies on a negative database to tell it what to destroy. 换句话说,它根据一个反数据库来辨别哪些(分子)要消灭。
Instead, it seems that creative thinking, which is one of the most highly valued skills in society, is a matter of habits. 相反,人们似乎觉得创造性思维是一种习惯,是社会上一种评价极高的技能。
Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. 4只要以里面存着长久温柔安静的心为妆饰。这在神面前是极宝贵的。
Instead, it simulates flavor by exciting the brain of the person that is eating it. 相反,它通过刺激食用者的脑部模拟出味道。
Instead, it struck Solskjaer, then looped into the corner. 结果却打在了索尔斯克亚身上弹进了死角。
Instead, it was part of a Soviet strategy to engage the UN and distract opinion from the Hungarian uprising, which was brutally crushed just two days later. 这样做,是苏联吸引联合国注意力的一个策略,并转移它们在匈牙利起义上的注意力,两天后这场起义被残酷的镇压了。
Instead, it will more often than not be a case of lasting relationship. 取代的是,更多的是一种长期的关系。
Instead, it would be deposited directly into my bank account. 如果我需要补贴收入,可以撤回一些投资换成现金。
Instead, it would have to be stored somewhere externally and be accessed by the state via the agent's interface. 它只能把它存储在其它地方,然后由状态机通过智能体的接口来存取。

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