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A: Good idea. But it's too crowed in the sight spots during the holiday, and everywhere is filled of people. Where are you going?

A: Good evening, sir. May I help you? 译文:A:晚上好,先生。需要我帮忙吗?
A: Good evening. I'd like to buy a silk tie. 晚上好。我想买一条丝绸领带。
A: Good evening. Mr. Roberts. How are you? 晚上好,罗伯茨先生。今天顺利吗?
A: Good evening,sir. Welcome to the Chengdu Restaurant. 晚上好,先生。欢迎光临成都餐厅。
A: Good idea! Anything else? 好主意,其他的呢?
A: Good idea. But it's too crowed in the sight spots during the holiday, and everywhere is filled of people. Where are you going? 好主意,但是节日期间景点太拥挤了,而且不管哪里都挤满了人,你打算去哪?
A: Good morning .Mrs Smith . 早上好,史密斯女士。
A: Good morning! I'd like to book a trip to Taiyuan. 早上好!我想预订去太原的旅程。
A: Good morning, Can I help you? 早上好!我能帮你吗?
A: Good morning, I'm Peter. 早上好,我叫彼得。
A: Good morning, Miss Brown. Please take a seat. 早上好,布朗小姐。请坐。

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