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Does this contradict what he said at the outset of Book I?

Does this bus go to the park? 这公共汽车去公园吗?
Does this bus stop at Center Street? 这趟汽车停靠中央大街吗?
Does this change affect non-US members? 这些政策的变化会波及到非美国用户吗?
Does this company offer a lot off-job training or in-job training? 这个公司提供很多的脱产培训或在职培训吗?
Does this company pay more for overtime? 这间公司支付加班费吗?
Does this contradict what he said at the outset of Book I? 这项观点和它的第一本书是否牴触?
Does this current prominence of Eurasians represent a new acceptance, or is it merely a marketing twist on old racial biases? 现今欧亚混血的声望,是否代表一种新的包容,或仅是在旧的种族偏见基础上的市场手段?
Does this dress look well on me? 我穿这衣服好看吗?
Does this drug take long to act? 这药要花长时间才产生作用吗?
Does this extend to the edge of our eyepiece or camera field of view? 会延伸到目镜的边缘或者是像机的视场内么?
Does this fight take off on time? 这班机准时起飞吗?

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