But long after the red cockaded woodpeckers had gone to roost, the ornithologists were still there.
可在红冠啄木鸟离去歇着很久之后,鸟类学家还待着不走。 |
But long before then the world will have to decide on its priorities.
但远在那时候以前,世界就必须确定石油是优先考虑控制使用的物资。 |
But long-term administration of antidepressants appears to spur neurogenesis: rodents that were administered such drugs for months had new neurons sprouting in their hippocampus.
但长期投予抗抑郁药物似乎会促进神经新生:对齧齿动物给予这类药物数月之后,海马会出现正在成长的新生神经元。 |
But long-term projects under way in two species more closely related to humans—rhesus and squirrel monkeys—suggest that primates respond to caloric restriction almost identically to rodents, which makes us more optimistic than ever that CR mimetics could
这些持续进行中的长期研究显示,灵长类的限食反应几乎同齧齿类的一样,这使我们更乐观地相信:限食拟药可以帮助人们。 |
But longer-term interest rates, including mortgage rates, are determined by global financial markets and remain very low.
但长期利率,包括按揭利率,取决于环球金融市场,仍将处于低水平。 |
But look at 2006 through a different lens and you'll see another story, one that isn't about conflict or great men.
但是通过一个不同的视角来看2006年,你会看到一个不同的情况,它与冲突或伟人无关,它是一个前所未有规模的社区和合作的故事。 |
But look at Mui Koo, why she can hunch her back but looks so beautiful!
可是人家梅姑佝背偏偏就是佝得那么好看! |
But look at the younger Bush's complaints and excuses.
但看看小布什的牢骚和借口吧。 |
But look further afield and the affinity between open politics and open markets seems clear.
不过若我们的视野能再开阔些,便能发现开放型市场和民主政治之间若隐若现的那层亲密关系就清晰了。 |
But look, Mommy! Bit by bit, I'm growing, too!
可是,妳看!我每天一点点、一点点地也在成长呦!妈妈妳一定也看得出来。 |
But love is the emotion of attachment reinforced by oxytocin, a hormone synthesized in the hypothalamus and secreted into the blood by the pituitary.
但爱是「依附的情绪」,由催产素强化,那是在下视丘合成的激素,经脑下垂体进入血液。 |