The one for god knows what reason was named Calamity Clarence by the Inter fans during his spell there, turns on the show and the heat with an unstopable long distance missile.
天知道为何当年国际米兰球迷称呼为他们效力的克莱伦斯为“灾难”(淮南为橘淮北为枳……^_^),这一次正是他横空出世,以一脚势不可挡的远射破门得分。 |
The one glomerulus at the lower center appears normal.
合格的肾活检最少要有6个肾小球。 |
The one gripe I do have with the Quest is in the level design.
我确实有寻求有的一报怨在水平内设计。 |
The one hundred built-in rhythm patterns cover a broad range of styles that include rock, jazz, funk, blues and dance music.
第一百二十内置的节奏模式,涵盖广泛的风格,包括摇滚,爵士,怯懦,蓝调和舞蹈音乐. |
The one hundred members (two from each state) of the Senate serve for six years.
参议院的一百位议员(每个州两名)任期六年。 |
The one in the third lane is a Gold Medalist, John Henry.
跑在第三跑道的是金牌得主,约翰·亨利。 |
The one item you need is always in short supply.
你最需要的装备﹐一定经常短缺。 |
The one major signpost is change.
一个主要的路标就是改变。 |
The one man company refers to a limited company whose capital or shares are wholely owned by one shareholder.
摘要一人公司系指股东仅为一人,并由该股东持有公司的全部出资或所有股份的有限公司(包括有限责任公司和股份有限公司)。 |
The one meal I look forward to most each year is, without a doubt, thanksgiving dinner.
要说,每一年,我最期待的一顿晚饭是什么呢? |
The one night deposit becomes non refundable afterwards.
过了这个时间(至少提前三天)退订,则预付费用不可返还。 |