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This paper illustrated the mechanism of microbial huff and puff and microbial flooding and introduces the pilot test effect and economic benefit of the application of microbial recovery in Chaoyanggou Oil Field, providing experience and evidence for the t

This paper holds that this kind of management model should be one combining rule and process bases, and then the paper analyzes its inevitability and some important points in practice. 本文认为其管理模式应该是一种基于规则和流程相结合的管理模式,并对其实施的必然性和实施的要点作了进一步的论述。
This paper holds the view that if we can expland Chinese research perspective, observe some different characteristics of other relative languages, and compare with other languages, then we can explore even more laws and features that we can't find out in 摘要本文认为汉语研究如果能把视角扩大一些,看看其他语言特别是亲属语言的特点,做些语言间的比较,就会发掘出单个语言研究所看不到的特点和规律。
This paper identifies Chinese-American with three different motivations to succeed: the Filial Providers, American Dreamersand Self-Actualizers. 这篇论文论述了美籍华人成功的三种不同动力:忠孝为本,美国之梦,自我实现。
This paper illnstrates Wide-ranging Education View, Wide-raging Course View, Teaching Equality View, Goal-triunity View and Blended-valuing View, which are all aimed at dealing with the problems in the reform. 本文就适应课程改革应树立的大教育观、大课程观、教学平等观、三位一体目标观、多元评价观进行了阐述。
This paper illuminates that ecotypic city's development is the carrier to keep sustainable development from the aspects of the basic meaning and the constructing standard of ecotypic city. 本文从我国生态城市的基本内涵、建设标准入手,阐明了生态城市建设是实现可持续发展的载体。
This paper illustrated the mechanism of microbial huff and puff and microbial flooding and introduces the pilot test effect and economic benefit of the application of microbial recovery in Chaoyanggou Oil Field, providing experience and evidence for the t 在阐述微生物吞吐和微生物驱油机理的基础上,介绍了在朝阳沟低渗透油田应用微生物采油的矿场试验效果和经济效益,取得了初步认识,为低渗透油田更好地应用微生物采油技术提供经验和依据。
This paper illustrated the viewpoint by example of petroleum reservoirs in Tazhong uplift, Tarim Basin. 本文通过对塔里木盆地中央隆起带油气藏实例分析来说明地层压力结构对油气分布的控制作用。
This paper illustrates the characteristics of distressed firms by empirical analysis, and seeks for the deep reasons to cause the firm to fall into distressed conditions from firm's governance system, then guilds these firms to reorganize the governance s 本文通过实证研究来阐明财务困境企业治理结构的特征,从治理结构层面寻找使企业陷入财务困境的原因,引导企业对治理结构进行重新安排和设计,使其向着高效、健康和合理的方向发展。
This paper illustrates the cultural connotation of the English vocabulary and its impact on intercultural communication. 本文阐述了英语词汇的文化内涵及其对跨文化交际的影响。
This paper illustrates the methods and procedures of installation, configuration and commissioning for field bus control system of the central treatment plant in Muglad Oilfield, Sudan. 摘要根据苏丹穆格莱德油田中心处理厂现场总线控制系统安装、组态和调试经验,简述了中心处理厂基金会现场总线控制系统的体系结构和安装、组态、调试的方法和程序。
This paper illustrates the necessity of the cross-cultural education in college English teaching and its current situation in our nation and introduces how to realize the cross-cultural teaching purpose in the course of college English teaching. 本文大学从大学英语教学中加强跨文化教育的必要性和目前我国大学英语教学中跨文化教育的现状来论述跨文化教育在大学英语教学中的重要性,并提出如何在教学中实现跨文化教学。

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