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Her biological clock was ticking and she really wanted to have a baby.

Her belly is swollen with laughter. 有个东西在使我发痒。
Her best novels stand comparison with those of the finest novelists in medieval times. 她不少小说佳作,够得上中世纪一众最杰出小说家的著作。
Her best qualities come out in a crisis. 在危急关头显露出了她的优秀品质。
Her best-selling album in recent years is the Grammy-winning Ray of Light,which opened at No. 2 with 371,000 copies in 1998, just behind the unsinkable Titanicsoundtrack. 麦当娜近几年最畅销的专辑要数获得格莱美大奖的《光芒万丈》,这张专辑发行于1998年,上市第一周销量达到37.1万张,仅次于永不沉落的《泰坦尼克号》主题曲大碟,排行第二。
Her big eyes suddenly lighted up at the happy recollection. 这愉快的回忆使她的大眼睛突然亮了起来。
Her biological clock was ticking and she really wanted to have a baby. 她的生理时钟在起变化,所以她想要有个小孩。
Her biological clock was ticking and she wanted to have a baby. 她的生理时钟在起变化,所以她想要有个小孩。
Her birthday is Tuesday fortnight. 她的生日是两星期后的星期二。
Her birthday is on 19 October. She is a Libra. 她的生日是十月十九日。她是天秤座。
Her birthday is on 6th October. 50她的生日在十月六号。
Her birthday is on November 5th. 她的生日在十一月五日。

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