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Male connector accommodates panel mounting, suits wide range of thickness.

Male and female performers from Russia and China stage a high-level performance of figure skating, acrobatics and Moulin Rouge-style dances, plus some performances with a Chinese traditional twist. 来自俄罗斯和中国在舞台上表演高水平的花样滑冰、体操和--舞,同时还有中国传统的杂技。
Male and female, old and young, all love this convenient and brisk sport. 无论是男女老少,都十分钟爱这种轻便灵活的运动。
Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. 雄性牧羊犬的阴囊中必须有两颗明显的睾丸。
Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking male s. 抽烟的男性因心脏病的死亡率高于不抽烟的男性。
Male citizens who belong to the 18-35 age group and are fit for military service, excluding those enlisted for active service, shall be regimented into militia units to perform reserve service. 凡十八岁至三十五岁符合服兵役条件的男性公民,除应征服现役的以外,编入民兵组织服预备役。
Male connector accommodates panel mounting, suits wide range of thickness. 试译:阳型连接器配备有面板装置,适合较宽范围的厚度。
Male dominance in hetero***ual couples and marriage solves the problem of women's lack of satisfaction by making women more reactive in the ***ual bonding process. 在男性主宰的异性夫妻和婚姻中,女人在两性结合的过程中所处的被动地位,使女人不再缺乏满足感。
Male dominance in heterosexual couples and marriage solves the problem of women's lack of satisfaction by making women more reactive in the sexual bonding process. 在男性主宰的异性夫妻和婚姻中,女人在两性结合的过程中所处的被动地位,使女人不再缺乏满足感。
Male drivers have been queuing up at a car wash in Burbage, because a team of topless girls does the hard work. 在(英国的)伯比奇,由于清一色的坦胸少女进行刷车的艰苦工作,男性司机排队等待刷车。
Male have XY chromosome. Female have XX chromosome. 雄性动物细胞有一对XY染色体,雌性动物细胞有一对XX染色体。
Male hormones can go into overdrive as early 8 months and as late as 18 months, depending on the cat's surroundings. 根据公猫的生长环境,公猫体内的荷尔蒙会在8个月到18个月大时达到高潮。

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