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In printing devices, a condition in which the paper flow is inhibited causing overprinting of lines,etc.

In principle, this training workshop should reflect the functional principles of our clinical-skills resource center, which emphasize that this training programs should always be learner-centered and should be continuously upgraded. 我们将继续抱持著以学习者为中心的原则及将不断改进列为课程的要项来继续举办这项训练课程,让学员在进入临床实习训练时有最充分的准备。
In principle, we accep the condition. 我们在原则上接受了这个条款。
In principle, we accept the terms . 我们在原则上接受了这个条款。
In principle, we have the right to calmly continue to advise them. 若劝父母,而导致父母生气,怎麽办才好呢?
In principle, we received this item. 我们在原则上接受了这个条款。
In printing devices, a condition in which the paper flow is inhibited causing overprinting of lines,etc. 在打印设备中,由于纸张滚动受阻而引起打印行重叠的情况。
In printing, a complete range of design variants of a particular typeface. 在印刷技术中,一整套不同设计的特殊字样。
In printing, a line of dots, used to direct the eye along a printed line. 印刷技术中的一行点线,用于引导视线沿印刷行移动。
In printing, a small overlap where two colours meet to safeguard against a gap which might otherwise occur due to a lack of register. 在彩色套印技术中,两种颜色接合处的一小点儿重叠,为防止由于套准不好而可能出现的间隙。参阅register。
In printing, a term used in footnote meaninghere and there. 在印刷技术中,一种在脚注中使用的意为“到处”的术语。
In printing, an unbound treatise on a subject or current topic of interest. 在印刷技术中,关于某个主题或目前感兴趣话题的一种未装订成书的论文。

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