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A: I was shocked to hear that your mother-in-law passed away last week.She was such a kink woman,and treated me as her own son.

A: I want to try writing a novel. 我想尝试写一本小说。
A: I want you to reschedule the meeting and inform everybody. 我要你重新安排会议的时间,并且通知每个人。
A: I want you to take out this garbage! 我想你把垃圾拿出去。
A: I was given the role of Juliet! 我获得饰演朱丽叶的角色。
A: I was going to buy one. 我本来要买一个。
A: I was shocked to hear that your mother-in-law passed away last week.She was such a kink woman,and treated me as her own son. 听到你岳母上周过世,实在很震惊。她实在是个亲切的人,对我就像对自己的儿子一样。
A: I was thirsty. Stop complaining and go buy some more. 我好渴。别抱怨了,赶快去多买几罐。
A: I was trying to break the ice by telling a joke, but it sank like a stone. 我试著讲个笑话来打破僵局,但是没有人捧场。
A: I was wondering how to get to the stadium. 我不知道怎么去体育馆。
A: I was wondering if I could borrow your car tomorrow. 我在想我明天能不能借你的车。
A: I was wondering if I could come over later. 我在想稍后我能不能过来。

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