One in course of dash to the horse , company and your position being symbolizing you may feel higher , as rising more!
一匹正在飞奔的马,象征着你的公司和你的职位会越升越高! |
One in every 13 children in developing countries are orphans.
在发展中国家,每13个孩子当中就有一个是孤儿。 |
One in every two Korean restaurants in the Seoul metropolitan area serves Chinese kimchi , according to a poll released Sunday, illustrating the inroads kimchi imports have made here.
上周日发布的一项调查结果显示,在韩国首都汉城,每两家餐馆中就有一家供应的泡菜来自中国,这意味着进口泡菜已经打入韩国市场。 |
One in fie Britons is obese and another two-fifths oerweight.
有1/5的英国人肥胖,另有2/5体重超标。 |
One in five Republicans, when informed of this, said that those views put supporting him out of the question.
并且,每五位中有一位,当其得知朱利亚尼在这2个问题上的立场后,即表明他们决不会支持朱利亚尼参选。 |
One in five children is predicted to be obese by the end of the decade.
在最近的10年里,预计1/5的孩子将过于肥胖。 |
One in five global consumers said they would consider having cosmetic surgery and Russians are most receptive to the idea, a survey by market researcher ACNielsen shows.
市场调查机构尼尔森公司日前发布的一项调查结果显示,从全球范围来看,五分之一的消费者愿意整容,俄罗斯人最能接受整容的想法。 |
One in four British adults is classified as obese, and half of men and a third of women are overweight.
1/4的英国成年人被分类为肥胖,一半的男人和1/3的女人超重。 |
One in four people suffer from bad breath regularly, while 19 in 20 are affected by gum disease at some point in their lives.
每四人中会有一人经常受到口腔异味的困扰,而每20人中就有19人在生命的某一阶段受到牙龈疾病的侵袭。 |
One in four women faces discrimination at work and 17 percent have felt sexually harassed at the office, according to a new survey.
据一项最新调查,四分之一的女性在工作中受到歧视,17%的女性觉得自己受到了办公室性骚扰。 |
One in particular can modify a certain setting in the registry, causing it to be executed before ANY program you run.
某些特殊的木马可以修改注册表中的特定设置,使自己在你执行任何程序之前运行。 |