At present, the company ranks the top throughout the world in the fields as fluorocarbon dope for plastic and steel, alum-alloy, coiled plate and for steel-structure, and inorganic pre-coating plate, etc.
衡峰在塑钢用氟碳涂料、铝合金用氟碳涂料、卷材用氟碳涂料、钢结构用氟碳涂料、光催化陶瓷涂料、无机预涂装饰板材及预制干挂外墙外保温系统等领域处于国内领先水平。 |
At present, the computer level of the entire staff has surpassed intermediate level, and 80% of them have obtained college certificates.
目前,全体人员的计算机水平都在中级以上,80%的人员拿到了大专以上文凭。 |
At present, the digital chart production has gradually completed the transfer from the traditional paper chart into digital chart, and the production is continuously abundant.
目前数字海图生产已经逐步实现了由纸质海图向数字海图的转变,并不断完善和发展。 |
At present, the domestic and industrial sewage in the town has not been treated, thus resulting in the serious pollution of the ground rivers in the whole district.
该项目的建设十分必要,特别是对于区内生态河流的保护将起很大作用。 |
At present, the enterprise all declaration data stores the tax affairs institution in the electronic database, the tax affairs institution (does not need come to enterprise) to analyze the method through the certain technology, may to the enterprise repor
目前,企业所有的申报数据均存入税务机关的电子信息库中,税务机关通过一定的技术(不必下企业)分析手段,可对企业申报数据的准确性、合法性、合理性进行分析判断,有针对性地打击企业的涉税违法违纪行为。 |
At present, the enterprise coming from different countries and rigions have been settled there and they are very much satisfied with the investment conditions.
目前已有来自各国的企业落户园区,并对良好的投资环境深感满意。 |
At present, the entire area for Chinese traditional and herbal medicine sown area amounts to 25,000 mu, the Chinese goldthread rhizome standardization sown area has amounted to 15,000 mu, and 10 Chinese goldthread rhizomes Chinese traditional medicines ba
目前全区中药材种植面积达2.5万余亩,其中黄连标准化种植面积已达1.5万亩,已建成10个黄连中药材基地村,年产3800吨。 |
At present, the evolution of the Yangtze River Basin has handicapped the development of the whole economy badly.
长江流域生态环境的恶化已经严重影响到整个长江流域经济的发展。 |
At present, the factory has established the perfect sales network and the after sale service center in every big city domesticly, deeply trusted by the general customers.
目前,已在国内各大城市建立了完善的销售网络和售后服务中心,深受广大消费者信赖。 |
At present, the focal point of supervision and inspection is to inspect and to put the audio-visual product and computer software market in order.
当前,监督检查工作的重点是清理整顿音像制品市场和计算机软件市场。 |
At present, the infrared transmission spectroscopy is the best technique for determining whether jadeite is polymer-impregnated or not, and the infrared reflectance spectroscopy is a nondestructive and rapid determination method that provides mainly the f
摘要红外透过光谱技术是当前鉴别翡翠是否有聚合物充填的最好方法,而红外反射光谱技术是一种快速、无损伤的测试方法,主要提供矿物的基频振动光谱信息,在宝石学研究方面特别是鉴定宝石种属方面显示出新的应用可能性。 |