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Teacher:A noun is the name of a thing.Who can give me a noun?

Teacher: Who can tell me how to work out the weight of the steel plate? 师:谁来说说,怎样来求这块钢板的重量?
Teacher: Who told you that? 老师:谁告诉你的?
Teacher: Why did you get up late? (老师:你为甚麽起床晚了?)
Teacher: neither does my wife!! 老师:我妻子也不明白。
Teacher: while thundering, thunder and lightning are sent at the same time, but why the lightning reaches us first? 老师:“打雷时,闪电和雷声同时发出,为什么我们先看到闪电,后听到雷声?”学生:“因为眼睛长在耳朵前边。”
Teacher:A noun is the name of a thing.Who can give me a noun? 老师:名词就是一种物品的名称。谁能给我一个名词?
Teacher:Dick,are you paying attention? 老师:迪克,你集中注意力了吗?
Teacher:Just pick up the phone and practice with me,I'm not God,but I'm sure I can better your English. 老师:拿起电话和我练习就好了。我可不是神,可我肯定能帮你学好英语。
Teacher:No .I'm from Canada. 老师:不,我来自加拿大。
Teacher:Then why is your nose buried in that comic book? 老师:那你为什么把鼻子埋在漫画书里?
Teacher:Very good.Now another noun? 老师:很好。现在谁再说另外一个名词呢?

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