Northwestern Pakistan's Khyber tribal region also saw torrential rains on June 28, resulting in dozens of deaths.
6月28号巴基斯坦西北卡巴部落也遇到了奔流的雨水,导致了很多人死亡。 |
Norton exits his office and strolls off whistling. PUSH IN on the open door. We see Andy at the guard's desk, pulling Norton's dress shoes from their box.
诺顿走出办公室,吹着口哨离开。镜头推近开着的门,安迪在守卫的桌前,从鞋盒中拿出诺顿的皮鞋。 |
Norton is staring out the window as they approach the building. He goes to his desk, opens a drawer. Inside lies a revolver and a box of shells.
诺顿透过窗户看着他们走近大楼。他走回办公桌,打开抽屉,里面放着一把左轮手枪和一盒子弹。 |
Norway is home to many interesting towns and cities. Its most famous, and more than likely the first stop for most tourists, is Oslo.
挪威拥有许多有趣的城镇和都市。其最著名并极有可能成为大多数游客停留的第一站的便是奥斯陆。 |
Norway is the cradle of skiing.
挪威是世界滑雪运动的发源地。 |
Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg sent a congratulatory message to the festival, saying the event will serve as a platform for displaying the Chinese culture to the Norwegians and enhancing the people-to-people friendship between both countries.
挪威首相延斯?斯托尔滕贝格先生致电祝贺文化节,说这为挪威人展示中国文化提供了平台和促进了两国人民的友谊。 |
Norway's Statoil has just spent $2 billion on a Canadian firm with oil-sands rights.
挪威的国家石油公司已经对其拥有油沙开发权的加拿大公司投资了近20亿美元。 |
Norway's contemporary history and political experience are in some respects quite similar to Taiwan's, particularly with respect to the matter of national identity.
挪威的近代史与经历和台湾有非常相似的地方,特别是国家认同。 |
Norway's long coastline is indented by large and small fjord arms, creating huge difficulties for the road and rail authorities but providing the visitor with some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world.
挪威漫长的海岸线被大大小小的峡湾分割成了锯齿状,这为规划公路与铁路的当局提出了巨大的难题,但却为游客提供了全球最叹为观止的一些景观。 |
Norway: Two small fir trees are set on either side of the door to the couple's house until they are blessed with a child.
挪威:新婚夫妇的房门两旁放置两棵小冷杉树,直至新婚夫妇喜得贵子。 |
Norwegian Development Minister Erik Solheim, urged the warring parties to immediately stop all hostilities.
挪威发展部长索尔海姆敦促交战各方立即停止一切敌对行动。 |