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Do you get my drift?

Do you get a clear idea of the main characters, BUTCH and THE MUSTACHED MAN? How they move? How they think, perhaps? 你了解剧中主要人物布奇和小胡子男人吗?他们怎么行动?也许,他们如何思考问题?
Do you get along with your boss?/Do you and your boss get along? 你跟老板合得来吗?
Do you get exercise every day? 你每天运动吗?
Do you get irritated by comments ppl make about you? 媒体报道的关于你的评论会激怒你吗?
Do you get much rain in summer? 这里夏天雨水多吗?
Do you get my drift? 你听懂我意思了么?
Do you get on with your parents ? 你和父母合得来吗?
Do you get on with your parents? 你和父母合得来吗?
Do you get the visa of America? (你拿到美国大使馆的签订了吗?)
Do you get what you're hoping for? When you look behind you there's no open door....What are you hoping for? Do you know? 您得到了您所想的盼望吗?当回首时您已不能回头....您希望什麽?您知道吗?
Do you give Senior Citizen discounts at this hotel? 你们旅馆有老年人优惠价吗?

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