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Sisheng metal processing and manufacture products; Metal materials heat treatment. Metal materials wholesale.

Sir,you have fourteen clubs. 先生,你有14支杆。
Sisheng and metal products produced from sales); Lathe processing; Building Materials (sales). 金属丝绳及其制品自产自销);车床加工;建材(销售)。
Sisheng metal manufacturing, electrostatic spraying. 金属丝绳制造,静电喷涂。
Sisheng metal manufacturing, freight cars. 金属丝绳制造,汽车货运。
Sisheng metal manufacturing; Division; Lubricants marketing; General cargo. 金属丝绳制造;模具;润滑剂销售;普通货运。
Sisheng metal processing and manufacture products; Metal materials heat treatment. Metal materials wholesale. 金属丝绳及制品加工制造;金属材料热处理。金属材料批发。
Sisheng metal products, manufacturing, stamping pieces, freight cars. 金属丝绳制品,制造,冲压件,汽车货运。
Sishengjia the metal manufacturing, freight cars. 金属丝绳加工制造,汽车货运。
Sishengjia the metal manufacturing; Nonferrous materials, packaging materials, metal construction, wholesale and retail. 金属丝绳加工制造;有色金属材料,包装材料,建筑小五金,批发零售。
Sister Angle, can you help me? 天使姐姐,你能帮帮我吗?
Sister Ethel, a Catholic nun and nurse, works in the slums of South Africa in the Missionvale shantytown near Port Elizabeth. 「有许多因素造成人類的悲剧,但是在南非,文盲非常明确导致贫穷,且为阻碍人们脱離贫穷的最主要因素,」伊莎尔修女說。

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