Opposites to a troditional train, a unit of MU train is not a single vehicle(locomotive or carraige) but a group of specific vehicles.
区别于传统列车,动车组的单位不是单独的车辆(机车或车厢),而是由若干特定车辆编成的组。 |
Opposition Democrats are calling for the Attorney General's ouster over what they say is the politically-motivated firing of eight federal prosecutors.
反对派民主党呼吁将司法部长解任,称他出于政治动机解雇了八名联邦检察官。 |
Opposition Democrats leading the city of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana criticized President Bush for the slow federal response to the storm, including delays in the arrival of National Guard troops to restore order.
领导新奥尔良市和路易斯安那州的反对党民主党批评了布什总统,认为联邦政府对飓风的反应太慢,包括延误派遣国民警卫队来恢复秩序。 |
Opposition Democrats say the president is unfairly cutting spending on social programs.
反对党民主党人士说,布什总统不公平地削减了社会福利项目的经费。 |
Opposition Democrats see a chance to win back at least one.
反对党民主党有机会夺回至少一次。 |
Opposition by colonists to unfair taxation by the British was a precursor of the Revolution.
殖民地居民对英国不公正税收的反抗预示着革命的到来 |
Opposition has recently grown further over the toxic benzene that contaminates the soil at the new site.
最近的苯污染事件让反对派力量进一步得到增强。 |
Opposition in an important movement of thumb, for thumb opposes other fingers in many types of prehension.
摘要对向动作是大姆指的一个重要动作,它帮助大姆指完成多数的握执动作。 |
Opposition is present and you should be prepared to counteract it as best you can.
反对意见也有肯多,最好能尽力消除它们。 |
Opposition is too fierce, because of the shadow of the past. Countries with an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have less to fear from setting some limited rules for voluntary euthanasia.
由于历史的阴影反对安乐死的力量异常强大,在那些近年来自由意志的传统未受任何干扰的国家里,为自愿安乐死制定有限的规定并不会使人们产生太多的恐惧。 |
Opposition lawmakers Monday put forward a draft constitution that would curtail the powers of the president.
反对党议员星期一提出了一个限制总统权限的宪法草案。 |