Recently I bought a copper case with a section of shabby Jian,which there's calcified sediment on.There's flax moulage on the rust.And I think it's true,so I spent 60 Yuan buying it.Now please have a look superiors.
日前购得铜剑格带有残剑一段,上有钙化沉积物,铁锈上有麻布印痕,自觉为真,遂花60元从小贩手中购下,现请各位前辈掌眼。 |
Recently I saw a Zhongzheng Jian of second issue of Huangpu military academy,but I don't know whether it's true or false.Please comment,and those who have material,please post it for a look.Thanks!
最近看见一把黄埔军校二期的中正剑,但不知真假,请教一下,谁有资料,传上一看,拜托,这里先谢谢了! |
Recently I was given the task of moving string literals from the many files of a C# service project into a single resource file to allow for localization in the future.
最近我被分配了一项任务,将字符串从许多C#服务项目的文件中移动到一个单独的资源文件,以便进行未来的本地化工作。 |
Recently a large bush turkey came flying across the creek at me then landed right beside me and happily dug up insects next to me while I meditated.
最近,一只大的灌木丛火鸡跃过小溪来到我身边,在我静心的时候刚好在我的旁边着地,快乐地挖着昆虫。 |
Recently a new anti-Japan trend has come into being.
最近产生了一股新的反日倾向。 |
Recently a number of stories involving accusations of plagiarism have been in the news.
最近新闻已经报导了一些牵涉了被控告剽窃的小说。 |
Recently a team of international scientists discovered observable dead stars—or dark matter—at the edge of our own Milky Way galaxy.
最近,一组国际专家在我们的银河系边缘发现了可观测的死恒星——或叫黑洞。 |
Recently divorced, I was in my 20s, had no job and was on my way downtown to go the rounds of the employment offices.
话得从春季的一个雨天开始说起,20多岁的我,刚刚离婚,没有工作,正再一次赶往市中心的求职处。 |
Recently divorced, I was in my 20s, had no job and was on my way downtown to go to the rounds of the employment offices.
当时我二十来岁,刚离了婚,没有工作,正赶往市区的职业介绍所参加招聘会。 |
Recently drugs that act on cannabinoid receptors—the ones that mediate marijuana's effects—have been advancing through clinical trials.
最近,作用于大麻素受体的药物也进入了临床试验;大麻素受体是大麻在人体内作用的位置。 |
Recently he has been selected as judge for the Golden Calf Advertising Award.
近来他获选为金牛犊广告奖评委。 |