Labour created man himself.
劳动创造了人类自己。 |
Labour election chief Alan Milburn scoffed: “Mr Howard's turmoil gets worse. His leadership is under question.
工党选举负责人阿兰•米尔伯嘲讽道:“霍华德的乱子越来越大了,他的领导地位受到质疑。” |
Labour got in (ie won the election) with a small majority.
工党以微弱多数票在选举中获胜. |
Labour is doing what we must.
劳动就是做必需做的事。 |
Labour is light where love doth pay.
以爱情作报酬,劳苦也轻松. |
Labour is lihgt where love doth pay.
爱情付报酬,劳苦也轻松。 |
Labour is often the father of pleasure.
劳动常常是幸福之父. |
Labour is the capital of our working men.
劳动力是劳动人民的资本。 |
Labour markets will be fully opened to Romania and Bulgaria within seven years; travel restrictions will go sooner.
劳动力市场在以后七年里会对罗马尼亚和保加利亚完全开放;出入境限制也会很快取消。 |
Labour migration, contrary to some fears, has also been beneficial.
和一些人担心的相反,劳动力流动也能带来益处。 |
Labour mobility is not a zero-sum game: both senders and recipients win, as new jobs are created.
劳动力流动并非零和博弈:输出方和接受方双赢,因为有新的工作被创造出来。 |