An AD should be explicit in addressing these stakeholders.
架构描述必须显示的提到这些利益相关人。 |
An AGN-starburst connection might even lurk a mere 24,000 light-years away—at the core of our own galaxy.
AGN与恒星暴增之间的关系,甚至有可能就潜藏在距离我们只有2万4000光年之遥的银河系中心。 |
An AP reporter who saw the explosion says two people were treated at the scene.
一名募集爆炸的AP记者说有2人可以见证那一幕。 |
An ASCII control character, end of medium.
一种ASCII码控制字符,媒体结束符。 |
An ASSERT failure in a retail build of the operating system with no kernel debugger running generates a bug check.
使用运行的非内核调试器,一个操作系统的复述创建中的ASSERT失败产生一个错误检查。 |
An AT&T survey estimated that 122.5 million phone calls to Mom are made on Mother's Day. AT&T's query didn't include how many Mother's Day e-mails were sent to Mom.
公司的一项调查估计有1.225亿个打给母亲的电话是在母亲节那天打的。不过AT&T的调查中没有包括有多少在母亲节发给母亲的电子邮件。 |
An ATM has failed to return Ted's ATM card. Ted is now calling his bank service department.
一台自动提款机吃掉了泰德的提款卡。泰德现在正在打电话给银行的客服部门。 |
An Achilles' tendon is the worst injury you can have and he is a very lucky boy.
阿基里斯之踵是最严重的伤害,而罗本这孩子很幸运,他逃过一劫。” |
An Adjective walked by, with her dark beauty.
一位形容词走过,她那黑色的皮肤很美。 |
An Administrator Is Investigating Performance On The Server.
还在测试服务器性能? |
An Advertising Business Permit specifies information such as the permit number, the name, business premises, legal representative (or responsible person) of the advertising business unit (or institution), the scope of advertising business, the issuing aut
《广告经营许可证》载明证号、广告经营单位(机构)名称、经营场所、法定代表人(负责人)、广告经营范围、发证机关、发证日期等项目。 |