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On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days.

On his 45th birthday, the Boro manager last night took his side to Bolton Wanderers for his penultimate Premiership game in charge and his reshaped line-up secured a point as the teams traded second-half goals. 在他45岁生日的时候,昨晚米德尔斯堡的经理带队前往博尔顿进行自己负责的倒数第二场联赛,他经过改变的阵容在下半场进球保住了1分。
On his accession to the throne, he inherit vast estate. 他一登上王位就继承了大宗财产。
On his advice, I'm staying in bed. 根据他的建议,我呆在床上了。
On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. 回到教堂,神父赶紧查赞美诗第129条去。
On his arrival he crept up to his dressing-room with somewhat of a palpitating heart. 他到家以后,悄悄走上楼,心头有点儿忐忑地进了更衣室。
On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. 17耶稣到了,就知道拉撒路在坟墓里,已经四天了。
On his arrival, a cadre warned him that he was in for a hard life, that he would get little to eat and that he would probably be killed in the expected Japanese war or by frost or starvation. 一到那里,就有一位干部警告他说,他将要过艰苦的生活,甚至没什么东西吃,他也可能冻死或饿死,将来在同日本人作战中他还可能牺牲。
On his back and shoulders, he had dozens of sores. 在他的背和肩上,长了很多疮。
On his bench Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily. 索丕躺在麦迪逊广场一条长凳上辗转不安。
On his bench in Madison Square⑵ Soapy, a homeless moved uneasily, for winter was near at hand. 索比,一个无家可归者,坐在麦迪逊广场的长椅上,显得焦躁不安;因为冬天就要来了。
On his birthday, his father gives him a pedal car as a present. Robin likes it very much and drives it every day. 在罗宾生日那天,爸爸送他一辆脚踏汽车作为礼物。罗宾非常喜欢,并且每天都开它。

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