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The researchers took all 20 people into an interrogation room. They asked them whether they had stolen $20 and then recorded their answers with a standard polygraph test and the new camera.

The researchers therefore ealuated left entricular wall motion in 74 patients with left entricular dysfunction and ejection fractions below 40%. 因此研究者研究了74例左心室功能不全,射血分数低于40%的病人的左心室壁的运动。
The researchers think they have devised a biofuel that has a 40% higher energy density than ethanol, that repels water and that can be made relatively speedily. 研究人员们认为设计出了一种比乙醇的能量密度高出40%的生物燃料,而且它排斥水并能在制造速度上相对快捷。
The researchers told New Scientist magazine: Traditionally, time devoted to daytime napping has been considered [color=#808000][b]counterproductive[/b][/color] . 研究人员在接受《新科学家》杂志采访时说:人们一直认为白天小睡起不到什么积极作用。
The researchers told New Scientist magazine: Traditionally, time devoted to daytime napping has been considered counterproductive . 研究人员在接受《新科学家》杂志采访时说:人们一直认为白天小睡起不到什么积极作用。
The researchers took 14 subjects with unimpaired brains and asked them to listen to a series of semantic and phonological jokes. 研究人员邀请14名没有脑损伤的试验者来听一系列语义笑话和语音笑话(即前文提到的前两类笑话——译者注)。
The researchers took all 20 people into an interrogation room. They asked them whether they had stolen $20 and then recorded their answers with a standard polygraph test and the new camera. 研究人员把20名受试者带入审讯室,审问他们是否偷了20美元,然后用标准测谎仪和新型摄像机记录他们的回答。
The researchers used a new way to measure forest resources. 研究人员采用新的方法测量森林资源。
The researchers used forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) as a percentage of predicted value (FVCPP) as indicators of lung function. 研究者用用力第一秒呼气量(FEV1)和用力肺活量(FVC)和其预期值的百分比(FVCPP)作为肺功能衡量指标。
The researchers used magnetic resonance imaging scans to help document the process in mice -- and then used MRIs to look at the brains of people before and after exercise. 研究人员们使用了核磁共振成像扫描以帮助记录小鼠身上变化过程---然后用核磁共振成像扫描来观察锻炼前后的人脑情况。
The researchers used radiocarbon dating on 22 pieces of microscopic charcoal found among Neandertal tools in fire pits in Gorham Cave. 研究者们使用放射性碳方法为在山洞中发现的22片木炭确定年代.
The researchers used the power of computers and new, sophisticated methods of analysis to find the proteins that form a biosignatureor biomarkerof organ rejection from among the thousands of proteins that exist in the lung. 研究人员利用电脑和最新的尖端分析方法在肺组织的数千个蛋白中寻找引起组织排异性蛋白,以此作为组织排异的“生物学信号”或“生物学标记”。

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