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If we fixed an axis, then the gear train will rotate with around fixed axis and continue to drive the other axis to keep rotate.

If we fill in that old fireplace, we'll have a wall free for bookshelves. 如果我们把那个旧壁炉填平,我们可以腾出墙放书架了。
If we fill in the missing blanks with such descriptions as the megaphone was used to direct psychoacoustic frequencies that engaged the neural networks of the enemys brain, causing him to think any thought and feel any emotion that the Americans chose to 如果我们用这样的描述填补了空白,因为“扩音器被用了直接的心理声学的频率,使敌人大脑的神经网络忙碌,导致他思考任何想法和感觉任何情绪,美国人选择加在他身上”,接着它开始制造感觉。
If we find a position indefensible, we can abandon it and take a new line of attack. 如果我们发现一种立场难以立足,那么我们可以放弃这个立场,并展开一场新的攻势。
If we find ourselves answering in the negative to these questions, we may begin to realize how greatly we need Him. 如果我们对这些问题的回答都是否定的,我们会开始认识到我们是多么需要他。
If we finish off by qualifying for Europe that would be a great send off for me. 如果我们能够取得欧洲比赛参赛资格那就太好了。”
If we fixed an axis, then the gear train will rotate with around fixed axis and continue to drive the other axis to keep rotate. 如果固定一个旋转轴不动,齿轮组就会绕著固定轴旋转而继续转动另一个旋转轴。
If we focus on stimulating a child's right brain, he or she can tap the fuller potential of it. 如果,在这段时间里我们能专注于刺激孩子的右脑,那么,他就能更大的程度上挖掘右脑的潜力。
If we follow Mahatma Gandhi, within a day everything that we have achieved in thousands of years will be destroyed. 如果我们追随圣雄甘地,我们数千年所取得的一切成就,只需一天就能被彻底毁灭。
If we forget to shave, no one has to know. 如果忘了刮毛,没人会知道。
If we get cracking we'll finish mowing the lawn by the time the pub opens. 我们如果迅速开始的话,就能在酒店开门前刈完草坪。
If we get good profit from the farm, maybe we can start a little business on the side. 要是农场的赢利多,也许我们还可以另外做一些生意。

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