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Training of quick-witted in mathematical education

Traditional economics theory assumes that the firm is the pursuer of profit maximization. The shareholder is the owner of firms, so the profit maximization is the shareholder interest maximization. 传统经济学理论假定企业是利润最大化的追求者,股东是企业的所有者,以利润最大化为唯一目标归根到底是以股东利益最大化为唯一目标。
Traditional gas drainage techniques, such as drilling roof holes from tailgate or drilling inseam and cross-measure holes, sometimes can not meet the requirements of methane drainage for a modern longwall operation. 传统的高位钻孔、(本) 煤层钻孔及穿层钻孔抽放技术有时不能完全满足现代化煤矿生产对瓦斯抽放的要求。
Traditional models of content based information filtering are clumsy to describe the complex relationships of events that affect filtering process. Furthermore, it is difficult for users to interact with the filtering system. 传统信息过滤模型很难描述对信息过滤结果产生影响的各种因素 ,如质量、内容、用户偏好之间复杂的关系 ,也无合适的方法让用户将知识加入到信息过滤系统中 .
Trail of campus virtual wander and designing 校园虚拟漫游设计初探
Trail on Adaptability to Salinity of Prochilodus scrofa 小口脂鲤(Prochilodus scrofa)对海水盐度的适应性试验
Training of quick-witted in mathematical education 数学教学中思维敏捷性的培养
Training the Ability of Diverge Thought of Students in Physics Teaching 在物理教学中培养学生的发散思维能力
Trance as an impression of reality. 恍惚,一种对真实的印象。
Transcendentalism and Whitman's Song of Myself 先验论与惠特曼的《自己之歌》
Transcripts that have skipped CYPC8 exon , exon , exon , and , or exon , , , and 7 were also identified in epidermis. CYPC8 mRNA主要在人表皮细胞中表达,在人表皮细胞中发现有几种可变剪接:遗漏外显子,外显子,外显子、、,或遗漏外显子、、、7。
Transesophageal Atrial Pacing after Acute Myocardial Infarction-Analysis of Cases 例急性心肌梗塞后经食道心房调搏结果分析

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