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In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? for his life is taken from the earth.

In his haste, and carrying the gifts, he forgot about the promised present for Thor. 在他匆忙之中,拿着那些礼物,他忘了他答应要给托尔的礼物。
In his haste, he forgot to bring his glasses with him. 匆忙之中,他忘了带眼镜。
In his heart, though, he knows he should have been like these kids, like everyone on this bus. 但在他心里,他知道自己本该和这些孩子一样,和车上其他所有人一样。
In his heyday, he was known as the King of the High C'sfor the ease with which he tossed off difficult top notes. 帕瓦罗蒂在其演唱生涯的巅峰时期,凭借着对高难度高音举重若轻的把握被誉为“高音C之王”。
In his hospital, the TCM internal medicine department is suffering, because the herbs prescribed by TCM hospitals only turn a small profit. 在他的医院中,他们的中医内科部正在痛苦中挣扎们,因为由中医院开的处方只能产生很小的利润。
In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? for his life is taken from the earth. 33他卑微的时候,人不按公义审判他。(原文作他的审判被夺去)谁能述说他的世代,因为他的生命从地上夺去。
In his hurry to catch the train, he left his luggage in the taxi. 他急急忙忙地去赶火车,把行李都留在计乘车里了。
In his hurry to leave, he forgot his passport. 他急急忙忙动身的时候, 忘了带护照.
In his hurry, he dropped some coins on the floor. 匆忙之中,他把一些硬币掉在了地上。
In his hurry, his bike run against a tree. 匆忙中他的自行车撞树上了。
In his inauguration speech in 2005, after his re-election, he connected Iraq to America's “great liberating tradition” in foreign policy. 2005年,在布什竞选连任成功后发表的就职演说中,他将伊拉克与美国外交政策中“伟大的解放他国传统”联系了起来。

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