Max can ski with the best of them.
马克思滑雪是他们中最好的。 |
Max dislikes talking with his boss. They never see eye to eye on anything.
马克斯不喜欢跟他老板讲话,他们对事情的看法从来没有一致过。 |
Max for4 persons per car.
每辆车最多可容纳4人。 |
Max is kind of worldly individual.
马克斯是那种老于世故的人。 |
Max's analysis frame is still the most persuasive up to the present.
整体来看,马克思的分析框架迄今仍是最有说服力的。 |
Max. permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor :90℃.
电缆导体的最高允许工作温度为90℃。 |
Max. permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor: 70℃.
电缆导体的允许长期工作最高温度为70℃。 |
Max. rated temperature of the cable conductor is 70℃.
电缆导体的最高额定温度为70℃。 |
Max.When power supply at turn on or turn off.
在电源开启或关闭的时候,最大15%。 |
Max.admissible operating temperature of the conductor:60℃.
电缆导体的最高允许工作温度:60℃。 |
Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor:90℃.
电缆导体允许长期最高工作温度为90℃。 |