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As a typical form of leisure vacation, spa tourism has made speedy development in this period.

As a trend of literary theory, western Marxistsmade considerable contributions by following this conception of theirs, but they failed to make Marxist generalityprominent enough. 尽管作为流派的“西方马克思主义”在此概念之下做了不少建设性的努力,但结果却使马克思主义“总体性”隐然不彰。
As a tumor grows it may invade neighboring tissue or organs. 当肿瘤生长的时候它会侵袭附近的组织或器官。
As a tutorship to tutor the student's English in junior high school about one month in summer vacation. 曾担任过为期一个月的英语教师,在暑期为初中学生辅导英语.
As a type of folklore — defined as the beliefs, storiesand traditions of ordinary people (”folks”) — one way ofdifferentiating between an urban legend and other kinds of narratives(popular fiction, for example) is by comparing where they come from andhow 作为民间传说的一种形式——定义为普通老百姓的信仰,故事和传统——一种区分都市传说和其他类别的叙述(比如谣言,流行虚构小说)的方法是,比较它们的出处和散布方式。
As a typical German family business with long tradition,our management team is continuously concentrating on development of local China team,with long term strategy and full trust.Integrity and loyalty,learning and innovation,responsibility-taking and har 德派作为拥有百年悠久历史的德国企业,管理层始终以充分的信任和长远的眼光来关注着我们中国团队的发展,在德派中国,忠诚正直,学习创新,承担责任,和谐共享是我们企业文化的核心.德派历来视员工为公司的忠实伙伴和第一财富,我们尊重员工的个性,鼓励员工创新进取,并以优秀的工作能效来实现员工的自我价值。
As a typical form of leisure vacation, spa tourism has made speedy development in this period. 作为休闲度假产品的典型-温泉旅游在这一时期得到迅速发展。
As a typical result of modernity, cultural fashion is unknowingly changing people's daily behaviors, audio and video experiences, attitudes of life and concepts of value and even reshaping people's forms of existence. 摘要作为现代性的一种典型后果,文化时尚不知不觉地改变着人们的日常行为、视听观闻、生活态度和价值理念,甚至在更深度层面上重塑着人们的存在样态。
As a unique feature and strength of Shunde economy, the SME is a key factor to underpin sustained and balanced development of Shunde economy, and a primary driver for employment opportunities, social stability, technical innovation and social harmony. 中小企业作为顺德经济的特色和优势所在,是顺德经济持续协调发展的重要支撑点,是扩大劳动就业、保障社会稳定、推动技术创新和创建和谐社会的主要推动力。
As a unique phenomenon in Japanese national culture, the consciousness of narrowing rooted in Japan since the old time. 摘要“缩小意识”作为一种独特的民族文化现象,从古至今一直蕴藏于日本社会之中。
As a united System, they effect the forming and development of National Musical Aesthetic Psychology as resultant force. 三者作为合力系统共同对民族音乐审美心理的形成与发展产生作用。
As a universally recognized civilian right, the right to know must be complemented by the publicity of government information, which is restricted to some degree. 作为一项普遍认同的基本民主权利,知情权的充分实现需要政府信息公开的配合,而政府信息公开不是无限的,存在一个“度”的问题,公民知情权的范围也会存在一定限制。

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