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Monitors: Output device like a television screen that displays data processed by the computer.

Monitors for the Middle East - What to Expect? 233第三方监控力量对中东意味着什么?
Monitors on Sunday slammed Nigeria's election as a failure, but the government said criticism of the poll was intended to make way for a coup. 周日观察员纷纷批评奈国本次大选之失败,但政府宣称批评选举是企图为杯葛开路。
Monitors plant operations to make sure the operating plan is being meet. 监督装置的运行确保完成运行计划。
Monitors then use the information to conduct a conversationwhere audible neurophone input is appliedto the victim. 监控器接着利用信息,指挥“会谈”,那里可听到的脑听器输入“被应用”在受害者身上。
Monitors, also known as video display terminals(VDTs), resemble television screens, and may be either monochrome or color. 显示器类似于电视屏幕,也被称为视频显示终端(VDTs),有单色显示器和彩色显示器。
Monitors: Output device like a television screen that displays data processed by the computer. 终端机:像电视荧屏那样显示处理过的数据的输出装置.
Monk &Chiling What is Yijinjing? 和尚&赤岭是什麽易筋经?
Monk 500 +2 to Unarmed skill and Dodging skill. 僧侣500+2空手格斗和躲避技能。
Monk Fa-Hai who appeared throughout the story was the main villain. 法海是剧中的主要反派角色。
Monk secure a safety belt around the bag yuan Long Gaowo greatly Lane magic bag hidden secret in the end, harmonious atmosphere, both very interesting. 憨态可掬的布袋和尚元龙高卧,大大的神奇布袋里到底藏着什么秘密,氛围融洽,极俱趣味。
Monkey King, be polite to Goddess! 悟空,你怎么可以这样跟观音姐姐讲话呢?

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