The Announcement provides that an intellectual property right owner requesting customs on more than one occasion to detain imported or exported goods suspected to infringe the proprietary trademark rights he has filed with General Administration of Custom
本公告明确,知识产权权利人在一定时间内根据《知识产权海关保护条例》第16条的规定多次向海关提出扣留涉嫌侵犯其已在海关总署备案商标专用权的进出口货物申请的,可以向海关总署申请提供知识产权海关保护总担保。 |
The Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting may decide, on the recommendation of the Executive Council, that the Association will indemnify current or former Officers of the Association (hereinafter defined as members of the Executive Coun
由于现任或曾经担任协会之主管人员,为了协会之最佳权益而执行其任务,致引发有关民事、刑事或管理性之诉讼所产生之费用,如彼等系秉持诚信与善意执行任务,在执行委员会建议下,年度大会或特别大会得决定补偿该等现任或前任之协会主管人员(以下所称之协会主管人员定义为执行委员会委员、秘书长、协会之其他员工、及任何代表协会获适当授权之人员)。 |
The Answer To Childhood Obesity: 15 Minutes Of Football?
儿童肥胖的解决之道:踢15分钟足球? |
The Antarctic Circumpolar Wave: A Combination of Two Signals?.
南极环极波:2个信号的合并? |
The Antarctic Peninsula has seen some of the fastest temperature rises on Earth in the last five decades.
过去的五十年间,南极半岛是地球上气温升高最快的地区之一。 |
The Antarctic continent has mountain ranges similar in size to the European Alps.
南极大陆的山脉覆盖的面积与欧洲的阿尔卑斯山差不多。 |
The Antarctic forests are a land which time forgot, where allosaurs still prowl the forests and ancient amphibians still hunt along the river banks.
一群长年居住在南极洲的草食恐龙-雷利诺龙-天生喜欢群居,由于要适应环境,牠们都长有一对巨大眼睛,以便在夏天挣扎求存,并为漫长的冬天作为准备,抵御外敌侵袭。 |
The Antarctica icecap is a thick layer of ice and snow that buries most of the continent.
南极洲的冰冠是由冰和雪组成的厚层,它覆盖了南极洲的大部分。 |
The Antarctica is a continent centered roughly on the South Pole.
南极洲是一片大致以南极为中心的大陆。 |
The Antarctica treaty applies to all areas (the high seas excepted) below latitude 60 degrees south.
《南极洲公约》适用于除公海以外位于南纬60度以南的所有区域。 |
The Anti-Japanese War Period is an important stage of thinking's vicissitude of Marxism's Chinalization to CPC.
摘要抗战时期是党的马克思主义中国化思维变迁的重要阶段。 |