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What's important is for this kind of interaction as artists.

What's his result in the swinmming? 他的游泳成绩是多少?
What's his room number please? 请问他的房间号码?
What's holding up patents for processor architectures? 是什么延迟了处理器体系结构的专利批准?
What's howling at the back ? 什么东西在后面大叫?
What's important here is not how I would use reverb (this is a subjective matter and what works for me may not work for you) but to understand the outcome of adjusting any parameter. 应该如何用混响,在这里不是最重要的(这是一个主观问题,可能适合你,但不适合我),但是要了解每一个参数在调整以后结果是什么。
What's important is for this kind of interaction as artists. 对这种交流至关紧要的是对艺术家要一视同仁。
What's important is that you thoroughly familiarize yourself with the main strategies behind each answer. 因此,最重要的是你彻底熟悉这些答案后面的,你自己的主要的策略。
What's important is)building a settlement. 是重要的是)建筑殖民.
What's in side this parcel? 这包裹里是什么?
What's in the Small Green Box? 这个绿色的小盒子里面是什么东西?
What's in you right hand? 你的右手里拿的什么?

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