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I went about mourning as though for my friend or brother. I bowed my head in grief as though weeping for my mother.

I welcome everyone who is interested in learning English. We will invite people from different English foreign countries to do language exchange with you. 欢迎对学习英语感兴趣朋友来参加。请加拿大籍及美国籍朋友和大家进行语言文化的交流。
I welcome increasing responsibilities in a quick-paced setting. 我愿意在快节奏地环境中承担更多的责任。
I welcome you all to this important and meaningful oral implant meeting in the Asia-Pacific region. 我热烈地欢迎您们到来参与此次亚太区的口腔种植盛事.
I welcome you to this meeting and wish you a very fruitful and enjoyable stay in Panyu. 我热烈地欢迎您参与这次盛会,并祝您在番禺有一个愉快及成功的旅程.
I went about as though it were my friend or brother; I bowed down mourning, as one who sorrows for a mother. 诗35:14我这样行、好像他是我的朋友、我的弟兄.我屈身悲哀、如同人为母亲哀痛。
I went about mourning as though for my friend or brother. I bowed my head in grief as though weeping for my mother. 14我这样行,好像他是我的朋友,我的弟兄;我屈身悲哀,如同人为母亲哀痛。
I went across to the little boy and asked him if he was lost. 我走到小男孩子跟前问他是不是迷了路。
I went all the way to the office and realized I was still in my pajamas and had to go home to change. 我急匆匆地赶去上班,却在路上发现自己还穿着睡裤,所以不只得回家换裤子了。
I went around to the front of the house, sat down on the steps, and, the crying over, I ached. 我绕到房子前面,坐在台阶上;哭过以后,我感到阵阵心酸。
I went away so my daughter acted as hostess . 那时我不在家,所以由我女儿招待客人。
I went away so my daughter acted as hostess. 那时我不在家,所以由我女儿招待客人。

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