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1901 George Gallup, American public opinion statistician who evolved the Gallup Polls in 1933,was born at Jefferson in Lowa.

19 Zhang HX, Chen XM, Li XM, et al. 张红星,陈新敏,李秀梅,等。
190 I want additional information on this. 我需要这方面的补充资料。
190 It's up to you to decide. 这主要取决于你。
1900 The Davis Cup for tennis, presented by Dwight Filley Davis, was contested for the first time in Massachusetts-won by USA. 由德怀特·菲利·戴维斯组创的戴维斯杯国际草地网球赛在马萨诸塞州展开角逐,美国夺得戴维斯杯。
1900 is a turning period of the development of small national shipbuilding. 摘要1895-1900年期间是我国小轮业发展史上的转折时期。
1901 George Gallup, American public opinion statistician who evolved the Gallup Polls in 1933,was born at Jefferson in Lowa. 美国公众舆论统计学家乔治·盖洛普诞生于衣阿华州杰斐逊城。他于1933年制定出盖洛普民意测验法。
1901 Nobel Prizes were first awarded. 第一次颁发诺贝尔奖。
1901 The Protocol of 1901 was signed between Li Hongzhang andthe representatives of the eight powers-Germany, the United States, France, Britain, Russia, Japan, Italy and Austria-Hungary. 1901年,1901草案由李鸿章和德国、美国、法国、英国、苏联、日本、意大利和奥匈帝国八国联军的代表签署。
1902 Sir Donald Wolfit, English actor, was born in Nottinghamshire. 英国演员唐纳德·沃尔菲特爵士出生于诺丁汉郡。
1903 Panama declared its independence from Colombia. 巴拿马宣告脱离哥伦比亚而独立。
1904 A steamship fire that swept through the General Slocum in New York harbor killed some 1 030 people. 纽约港内的一艘汽船失火,大火席卷斯洛克姆将军号游艇,约1030人遇难。

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