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We are really anxious for peace.

We are ready to provide the multinational companies, large group companies and the home and foreign companies doing business across regions in China with professional services in a broad way and in different regions. 这些业务机构分别地处广州、深圳、北京、香港等中国经济发达区域,为海外跨国公司、大型企业集团以及中、外公司跨区域经营活动提供广泛的异地化专业协助。
We are ready to render them assistance. 我们乐意援助他们。
We are ready to share with you our knowledgeand experience in seasoning applications for various products such as noodles,snacks biscuit,processed meat,instant soup and sauces. 我们愿与贵公司一同分享各类调味食品应用上的知识和经验,例如在面条,膨化食品,饼干,肉类加工,速食汤类和酱料等领域。
We are ready to strive for peaceful reunification with our utmost sincerity and utmost efforts. 我们愿以最大诚意、尽最大努力,争取和平统一。
We are ready to try our fortunes To the last man. 我们准备好碰运气直至最后一人。
We are really anxious for peace. 我们确实渴望和平。
We are really excited to be building great products in Manhattan. 我们真的非常兴奋能够在曼哈顿岛建筑伟大的工程.
We are really proud of this album. 我们对这次专辑感到十分自豪。
We are rebuilding New York City. 纽约市的重建正在进行。
We are recruiting in TIANJIN senior managers and specialists, and in identifying candidates for junior and middle management positions. 我们在天津招聘高级管理者和专家,并识别初级和中级管理职位的候选人。
We are reduction saleing today. 我们今天清仓大甩卖。

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