Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give, or more often than not, the part we have to give is not wanted. |
中文意思: 事实上我们很少对他们施以援助之手,也不知道该给予他们些什么,或者我们能给予的往往不是他们真正需要的。 |
Either way, it's not a judgement on your parenting.
这不注定他们一生孤独并会得上同性恋恐惧症(如果他们是同性恋)。 |
Either way, so long as things are going badly with Washington, they(the Russians) ought to be trying to praise China and/or Western Europe away from America.
不管如何决定,只要是对华盛顿不利,他们(俄国人)就应该不断地努力去争取中国或争取西欧,或者两者都争取,以便使他们脱离美国。 |
Either way, the ferocity of the Ethiopian offensive forced the Shabab (meaning “youth” in Arabic) to adopt Iraqi-style insurgent tactics, carrying out hit-and-run raids, planting land mines and even using suicide bombers, all of which are new to Somalia.
不管谁对谁错,这次埃塞俄比亚攻势的凶残迫使了沙巴柏采取伊拉克人的反叛策略-游击战袭击与埋地雷策略,甚至用上了人体炸弹,这些对索马里来说都是新鲜事物。 |
Either way, the solitude was comforting, and I sensed myself floating away.
无论如何,这种孤寂令人惬意。我感到自己飘然若飞。 |
Either way, those looking for the best load times will probably want to go with the PC version, as they're almost non-existent.
不管怎么说,那些希望最短游戏装载时间的人可能需要玩PC版了,因为它在本作中几乎不存在。 |
Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give, or more often than not, the part we have to give is not wanted.
事实上我们很少对他们施以援助之手,也不知道该给予他们些什么,或者我们能给予的往往不是他们真正需要的。 |
Either we leave now or (we) don't go at all.
我们要不是现在离开,就是根本不去。 |
Either we will find a supply, or we will make the goods.
我们或是寻求供货,或者自己制造。 |
Either when programming or writing, I tend to have some identifiers or words that I use all the time.
在写字或编程的时候,总想弄点我总用的标识符来省事;懒惰是灵感的源泉! |
Either will be fine, it's all the same to me.
都可以,反正对我来说都一样。 |
Either win the horse or lose the saddle.
不是全赢,就是全输;孤注一掷。 |