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AIM: To study the effects of egtazic acid (EA) and calcimycin (Cal) on the synthesis of DNA and collagen in cultured human lung fibroblasts (HLF).

AIM: To investigate the effect of botulin A (BTA) on patients with congenital nystagmus (CN). 目的:观察肉毒杆菌毒素A(BTA)治疗先天性眼球震颤(CN)的效果。
AIM: To investigate the effects of apolipoprotein E epsilon (ApoEε)on cognitive function and P 00 of Alzheimer's disease(AD). 目的:研究载脂蛋白E(ApoE)ε等位基因对阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer'sdisease,AD)患者总体认知功能和P 00的影响。
AIM: To investigated the effect of -methyl--phenyl-,, ,-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) on the expression of kinesin superfamily (KIF) genes in striatum and substantia nigra in C7BL mice. 目的 :揭示 -甲基 - -苯基 - , , , -四氢吡啶 (MPTP)对C7BL小鼠黑质与纹状体神经元驱动蛋白超家族 (KIF)基因表达的影响。
AIM: To observe the effects of interleukin-β(IL-β) on tetrodotoxin-sensitive (TTX-S) sodium currents as well as probe into the molecular mechanism of IL-β in regulation of tortua facies from the level of ion channel. 目的:观察白细胞介素β对河豚毒素敏感性钠电流的影响,拟从离子通道水平探讨白细胞介素β调节颜面部痛的分子机制。
AIM: To study the anthelmintic effect of albendazole composite (containing 7 mg of albendazole and 8 mg base of pyrantel pamoate per tablet). 目的:观察复方阿苯达唑(每片含阿苯达唑7mg和噻嘧啶8 . mg基质)的驱虫效果。
AIM: To study the effects of egtazic acid (EA) and calcimycin (Cal) on the synthesis of DNA and collagen in cultured human lung fibroblasts (HLF). 目的:研究依他酸(EA)和卡西霉素(Cal)对人胚肺成纤维细胞脱氧核糖核酸和胶原合成的影响。
AIM: To study the effects of the constituents L a and L 0 from leaves of Luffa cylindrica Roem on learning memory disfunction and seduce electric potential (SEP) in cerebral ischemia rats. 目的:研究丝瓜叶成分La 和L0 对脑缺血大鼠学习记忆障碍及皮层体感诱发电位(SEP) 的影响。
AIM:To analyze the apoptosis and proliferation of HERS (Hertwig's epithelial root sheath) and to evaluate the roles of HERS cells in the development of cementum. 目的:观察牙根发育中上皮根鞘细胞(Hertwig′s epithelial root sheath,HERS)断裂后结局和增殖凋亡相关基因的表达,探讨上皮根鞘在牙根发育特别是牙骨质形成中的可能作用。
AIM:To clone and sequence the glucan bindin g protein B (GbpB) gene of S.mutans. 目的 :克隆变形链球菌葡聚糖结合蛋白B(glucanbindingproteinB ,GbpB)的编码区基因片段。
AIM:To compare the acute reaction and the short term therapeutic effect after root filling in one-off RCT and pulpectomy between Endomethasone permanent root canal sealer plus gutta percha and root filling paste plus gutta percha. 目的:比较Endom ethasone根管充填糊剂加牙胶尖、传统根管充填剂加牙胶尖在去髓术、根管治疗术一次法根管充填术后的急性反应及近期疗效。
AIM:To detect the expression difference of axonemal dynein gene DNAI in bronchial tissues between the smoker and the non smoker,and to explore the effect of smoking on axonemal dynein gene. 目的:检测纤毛轴动力蛋白基因DNAI在吸烟者和非吸烟者支气管组织的表达差异,了解吸烟对纤毛轴动力蛋白基因的影响。

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