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The cyclic voltammograms of electrode prepared by the nano-MnO_ powder show good capacitive performance between 0. V and 0.7 V for saturated calomel electrode as reference electrode in mol/L (NH_ )_ SO_ .
在mol/L的(NH)SO电解 液中,在电位范围(以饱和甘汞电极为参比电极)为0.~0.7V的三电极体系中,通过循环伏安曲线考察了电极的电容性能。

The cumulative prevalences of LBP in garment worker,foundry worker and teacher were 79 0%,0 %, 8% respectively in past,7 %, %, 7 % per year,as well as %, %, 9% per week. 坐位、重体力和参比组的累积患病率分别为 79 0 % ,0 % , 8% ,年患病率分别为 7 % , % , 7 % ,周患病率分别为 % , % , 9% ;
The curative effect of Triprolidine Hcl to 0 cases with chronic nettle rash was studied by adopting different approaches,which provides theory basis for clinical applying of Triprolidine Hcl-a new histamine H receptor antagonist. 为探讨盐酸曲普利啶治疗慢性荨麻疹的疗效,将0例慢性荨麻疹患者,随机分为两组,盐酸曲普利啶治疗组 0例及特非那丁组 0例,结果两组间有显著性差异,为新一代组胺H受体拮抗剂—盐酸曲普利啶的临床应用提供了一定的理论依据.
The cured rate of chest pain, breathe lessness, emphraxis pneumonia, haemoptysis, obstruction of superior vena cava were 00%( / ), 8 . %(70/8), 9.%(0/), 9. % ( / ), and 00% (8/8) respectively. 胸痛缓解00%( / ),胸闷、气短缓解8 . %(70/8),阻塞性肺炎治愈9.%(0/),咯血治愈9. %( / ),上腔静脉梗阻好转00%(8/8)。
The current first-line treatment for patients with advanced NSCLC includes chemotherapy, surgery, and palliative radiotherapy, but most patients relapse and eventually succumb to the disease. 目前治疗非小细胞肺癌的策略有化疗、手术治疗和放疗,但大多数患者易复发从而导致死亡。
The cycle of life include merogony and sporogony stages and the sporont a fusiform diplokayotic cell and change to spore and there shows Nosema Genus characteristic. 发育过程具有裂殖体和孢子形成期,产孢体以二分裂形成两个孢子母细胞,然后形成成熟孢子,表现为Nosema属的发育特征;
The cyclic voltammograms of electrode prepared by the nano-MnO_ powder show good capacitive performance between 0. V and 0.7 V for saturated calomel electrode as reference electrode in mol/L (NH_ )_ SO_ . 在mol/L的(NH)SO电解 液中,在电位范围(以饱和甘汞电极为参比电极)为0.~0.7V的三电极体系中,通过循环伏安曲线考察了电极的电容性能。
The cymule bracts were not so many as those observed by Abbe; 每个小花序的苞片数目不像Abbe观察的那么多 ;
The cytoplasm of the tapetum cells of Zhenshan 97A deposited a few Ca + precipitates at the pollen mother cell stage. 珍汕97A绒毡层细胞从花粉母细胞时期开始,细胞质内有少量颗粒状的Ca+沉淀;
The damage and failure processes of concrete materials under dynamic loading, such as impact and penetration, were researched with Movable Cellule Automata (MCA) Method. 本文采用移动元胞自动机法(Movable Cellular Automata Method)研究混凝土材料在冲击、侵彻等动载荷作用下产生损伤和破坏的过程。
The damage profile of silicon substrate induced by 0MeV Er + at a dose of ×0 /cm is extracted using the multiple scattering dechannelling model of Feldman,and the result is in good agreement with the TRIM9 calculation. 采用多重散射模型计算了 Me V × 0 / cm 注入硅 (0 0 )引起的损伤分布 ,并与 TRIM9模拟得到的结果进行了比较 .
The data of VVER-000 Kalinin NPP provided by IAEA are used to validate the code package TPFAPHEX/SIMSIX. 本文在SIMSIX的输入文件的填写中通过将六角形堆芯的/ 输入到方形堆芯的/区域、缺少部分用围板/反射层组件来填补解决了这一问题。

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