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For the 4th, we will try to learn more the action planning from other friends and then to follow on and support.

For the 1960 movie adaptation, see Time Machine (1960 film). For the 2002 movie adaptation, see Time Machine (2002 film). 如果你是要看1960年电影的改编本,可以看时光机器(1960年电影版);想要看2002年电影的改编,就看时光机器(2002年电影版)。
For the 1996 election some 2% of results were problematic. 1996的选举出现2%的问题选票。
For the 2000 decennial census, that will no longer be the case. 10年一次的人口普查又将在2000年举行。
For the 2005 race, AM General, the manufacturer of military humvees, has donated two Hummer H1s to the Red Team. 针对2005年的赛车,军用悍马的制造商「AM通用」公司已经捐赠两辆悍马H1给红队。
For the 2007 event, the medal ceremony will be held on the evening of 13th August 2007. 2007年测试赛期间,8月14日晚举办颁奖典礼。
For the 4th, we will try to learn more the action planning from other friends and then to follow on and support. 第四项就会在了解其他朋友的有关行动后再跟进支援。
For the 61 percent of American adults who are overweight, smart eating, along with habitual(13) workouts, are the foremost formula for successful weight losers. 在美国,每年有近卅万成年人死于因体重过重所引起的疾病。体重过重是美国人的第一杀手──冠状动脉心脏病的主要成因。
For the Americans studied Kasserine Pass even more intently than the Germans. 美国人对凯瑟琳山口惨败的研究要比德国人认真的多。
For the Californian beekeeper, the pollination season begins in February. 对于加利福尼亚的养蜂者来说,授粉季节开始于二月。
For the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it, and shall environ us round, and cut off our name from the earth: and what wilt thou do unto thy great name? 书7:9迦南人和这地一切的居民听见了、就必围困我们、将我们的名从地上除灭.那时你为你的大名要怎样行呢。
For the Chinese Communist Party, the founding of PRC means that it must carry out the campaign of political socialization both in the countryside and in the cities. 摘要对于中国共产党而言,新中国的成立意味着无论是在农村还是城市都必须一以贯之地进行政治社会化。

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