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He hung himself with a rope.

He has such exceptional ability and is an exceptional passer and he showed that again. 他有卓越的能力,他是罕见的传球好手,今天他再次为我们展示了他的才华。
He has to stop whining and clench his buttocks together- Dortmund defender Christian Worns on his Madrid-bound team-mate Christoph Metzelder, who was being booed by his own fans. “他应该停止抱怨,并且夹着尾巴做人。”-多特后卫沃恩斯给和皇马有绯闻并正被自己球迷嘘的队友梅策尔德上的忠告。
He helped me settle in at Liverpool right from the start and I haven't got a bad word to say about him. “他从一开始就帮助我适应利物浦的生活,而我也从未听到关于他的任何坏消息。
He hitch-hiked to Dover and, towards evening, went into a boat to find somewhere to sleep. 他搭上便车来到了多弗尔;接近傍晚时,他又溜进了一艘轮船找了个地方睡觉。
He hung hilf with a rope. 他用绳子上吊。
He hung himself with a rope. 他用绳子上吊。
He inquired of the Lord for him, gave him provisions, and gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine. 撒上22:10亚希米勒为他求问耶和华、又给他食物、并给他杀非利士人歌利亚的刀。
He is Peter Pan, you know, mother. “他是彼得·潘,你知道的,妈妈。”
He is a great player and in that respect we are quite similar. We are both fighters. “他是一个伟大的球员,而在这方面我们很相似。我们都是斗士。”
He is a guy who plotted the planning for George Bush's gubernatorial race and said,I can make him president of the United States. 他为布什的州长竞选出谋划策,并称,我可以使他成为美国总统.没有罗孚就像是保尔·麦肯尼没有了约翰·列侬,做音乐将会变的困难.
He is a key player for us, he is the second one who decided to stay with us after the summer demotion and is the real driving force of the team. 帕维尔是我们的关键球员,他是这个夏天降级后决定留下和我们一起战斗的又一个球员,这对球队起到真正的推动作用.

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